The Building Wildlife Board

The Building Wildlife board of trustees is comprised of volunteers with many years of experience and knowledge across a broad range of areas, including habitat and species conservation, planning, and ecological sustainability.

The trustee's role is to ensure the flow of resources and ensure transparent accountability.  The trustees receive advice from an advisory board.

The Board is responsible for deciding what they wish to take forward in line with Building Wildlife objects, which are:

“to promote for the benefit of the public the conservation and protection of species and their habitats, including Great crested newts, considered of principal importance through current wildlife legislation in Wales in areas of North East Wales (Conwy, Denbighshire, Flintshire and Wrexham)”

Click on the profiles below to read more about our board of Trustees.

Nicola Johansen is an experienced Sustainability Manager with over 20 years of experience developing…
Sarah Carver has been working in the field of wildlife, habitat protection, and nature…
Paul Day is an environmental professional with over 40 years of experience working for…
Huw Evans is an independent Planning Consultant working primarily in North and Mid Wales.…
Pip has had a long association with amphibian and reptile conservation in North Wales…

Are you contemplating carrying out a local conservation project? We’re here to offer advice & assist with funding.

Are you a developer that needs to provide mitigation or compensation for a new development?

Building Wildlife was originally proposed by a local authority biodiversity champion to emphasise...